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Scalable Training with Information Bottleneck Objectives

The Information Bottleneck principle offers both a mechanism to explain how deep neural networks train and generalize, as well as a regularized objective with which to train models, with multiple competing objectives proposed in the literature. Moreover, the information-theoretic quantities used in these objectives are difficult to compute for large deep neural networks, often relying on density estimation using generative models. This, in turn, limits their use as a training objective. In this work, we review these quantities, compare and unify previously proposed objectives and relate them to surrogate objectives more friendly to optimization without relying on cumbersome tools such as density estimation. We find that these surrogate objectives allow us to apply the information bottleneck to modern neural network architectures with stochastic latent representations. We demonstrate our insights on MNIST and CIFAR10 with modern neural network architectures..

Andreas Kirsch, Clare Lyle, Yarin Gal
ICML workshop on Uncertainty & Robustness in Deep Learning

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